Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Original Cambodian Rap?

I was digging through an old box of videos and found the recording of a Cambodia Rap I performed for Khmer New Year in Long Beach in 1996. I believe this was the first public performance of a Khmer Rap to be broadcast on the Cambodian Cable station, and certainly the first by a White-and-Nerdy boy like me. The Cable station played this over-and-over for about a month after the New Year Peformance, and copies even made it over to Cambodia. During that time, I couldn't go anywhere in Long Beach without Cambodians stopping me on the street going, "Hey! You're that Cambodian Rapper guy!" Even old ladies in the Cambodian Markets would walk by me repeating lines from the Rap and giggling.

My performance was meant just to be funny skit. It's been fun to watch Khmer Rap become a serious medium.

The video and sound quality is horrible. Unfortunatly, the only copy I had was on a damaged video tape, so this was the best capture I could get. If anyone has a better copy of this, please let me know!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

2008 Wright Family Christmas Letter

If you like to read sappy, boastful, generic family Christmas letters, then click here for our 2008 Wright Family Christmas Letter. If not, here's the short version:

Everyone's doing fine.
We'll be in Cambodia for six months starting the first week of January. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

They're on to me! Catherine's Letter to Santa

The other day, Michael and Catherine came up to me, and Michael said, "Dad, we're on to you!" He went on to outline their elaborate plan to stay up late and see if Santa Claus really comes to on Christmas Eve to deliver the presents.

The next day, Catherine gave me a letter to mail to Santa Claus. Since I don't have his address, I'll post it here in hopes Santa reads my blog:

Dear Santa,

I know you don't exist. I know I won't get coal. Did you know that celebrating Christmas is celebrating Jesus's birthday? Do you know why we get presents? I do. Becase the three wisemen gave precious gifts to baby Jesus. So Christmas isn't just all about you, it's about Jesus. I want proof that you are real. And don't write back unless you are real!



p.s. Do any penguins live in the North Pole

I'm proud of my kids who understanding the true meaning of Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jeffrey's Christmas Concert

Jeffrey performed with his middle school band on December 18, 2008. The holiday concert, featuring the school's bands, orchestra, and choral groups, was held at a nearby church in the large sanctuary barely large enough to contain the hundreds of family members and friends in attendance. We knew this would be a special concert when Jeffrey came home with a tuxedo to wear.  

We couldn't help but be impressed with how handsome Jeffrey looked all decked out in his tux. Jeffrey was quite taken aback at his new duds as well. He declared that while he was wearing the tuxedo, he would only speak in a formal manner, and insisted we all speak to him formally as well! 

The concert was great. Jeffrey and his band members, most of whom have been learning their instruments for less than two years, sounded great. 

We feel blessed to have such a great son who is developing one of his many talents. 

Catherine's Piano Recital

Catherine performed in her second piano recital on December 20. She performed the piece Largo from Dvorak's New World Symphony. She played along with other students of her piano teacher and one other at a local music store. She's only been learning the Piano for just a little over one year. As a completely unbiased observer with some training in music, I have to say she was the best of the bunch!

Enjoy the video!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy to be Alive

I had a little scare on my way to teach my final class last Tuesday. I was in the left lane going the speed limit. Two cars behind me whipped around me, not cutting me off, but squeezing in at high speed in the narrow space between me and the other cars in the other lane. No sooner did the second car scoot in front me, that the car in front of him veered off to the left, and the one of front of me veered off to the right, revealing a large trash bag blocking the middle of the lane. I hit the breaks and swerved around the bag, but overcorrected as I began skidding. I ended up flipping around in the opposite direction, facing head-on with a large pick up truck coming straight at me. I honestly thought that was it. Fortunately, the truck driver veered to my left and only ended up sideswiping me, putting in a small dent and tearing up my rear bumper. We both ended up on the side of the freeway, grateful to be alive. The damage to his truck was minimal. After exchanging information, he left. Unfortunately for me, it's really hard to make a U-turn on a freeway in the middle of rush hour. Finally, the traffic on the freeway backed up (first time I've been grateful for that), and some kind motorists allowed the idiot facing backwards on the shoulder to make his U-Turn.

I made it to my class, only five minutes late, and was really happy to be there and be alive. It could have been so much worse. I have no doubt the Lord preserved my life that day.

I found out the next day that the Texas Department of Transportation, fearing frozen road conditions, had applied a de-icing agent earlier Tuesday morning. No ice or rain ever came, and the de-icer is believed to have made the roads dangerously slick. Over 400 accidents had been reported by the afternoon (including 1 fatality)-- five times more than usual. My accident was around 4:30, but I'm suspicious that this contributed to the accident. 

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catherine's Baptism

Catherine was baptized on November 29, 2008. We were thrilled that Grandpa and Grandma Wright were able to be here for the baptism. We were also honored to have so many friends come to the baptism. 

Catherine was very happy at her baptism. It was a joy to see the expression on her face as she emerged from the water. We feel blessed to have such a wonderful daughter.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This Thanksgiving, we had a lot to be Thankful for. My parents came to join us all the way from Utah.  Joining us for the wonderful meal were some former colleagues and students of my parents in China, who are now here studying in Texas. Mao May, He Yan, and Li Tong are in an MBA program at the University of Houston, Victoria. Hong Mei is a student in our PhD program at UTSA. Also joining us were our friend Francesca and her daughter Soriya. Cathy and Josh, and their new adorable baby daughter Soriya stopped by earlier.

Phal made an amazing meal with the help of my Mom and Hong Mei. Tong entertained us with his guitar and gave Catherine and Michael a guitar lesson. Everyone enjoyed looking over our photos from China and Cambodia. 

The day after stuffing ourselves, we participated in the ancient American tradition of waking up early to hit the after thanksgiving sales. Tong and I came home with new MacBook computers from the Apple store. May and Yan came back with a bag of new clothes.

Family, friends, delicious food, and shopping. Thanksgiving doesn't get any better than this!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Asian American Youth Workshop in San Antonio

Originally uploaded by Wayne E. Wright
I had the unique priviledge of working with Dr. Li Jia and leaders from local Asian American organizations here in San Antonio to help them organize the Asian American Youth Cultural Heritage and Leadership Development Workshop, which my Department and College at the University of Texas, San Antonio was able to co-sponsor and host on November 15, 2008. As part of the workshop I was able to teach the participants--mainly local high school students--a little about Cambodia. I was impressed with how engaged they were throughout the event. I hope this is something we can continue to offer each year. In a city where Asian Americans make up less than 1% of the population, its rewarding to be able to provide this type of opportunity.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Catherine Turns 8

Catherine is now 8 years old! She really wanted a birthday party, so we invited several of her classmates and friends from Church. She was thriled to get cool gifts like Pokemon cards, a Pokeball, an enlarged Barbie Doll head so you brush and braid her hair (sorry Jeffrey!), and other cool stuff.

From Mom and Dad she got Wii Music, Alvin and the Chipmunks CD, and something she really wanted -- a scooter so she can keep up with Michael on his on their way to school each morning. She also got a generous gift certificate from Grandma and Grandpa Wright she is anxious to spend (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!).

As I told Catherine the morning of her birthday, I've never had an 8 year old daughter before, and I'm looking forward to it!

Cheap parents skimp on kids' Halloween Costumes

Halloween was low key this year. Jeffrey decided he was too old now for trick-or-treating, so he took charge of passing out the candy to all the trick-or-treaters who came to our house--including several of his classmates who apparently were not too old to trick-or-treat. Catherine decided to create her own costume -- an Alien Newspaper Delivery Girl. Michael wanted to be Indiana Jones, but this cowboy outfit was close enough.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jeffrey's Boo Boo

Jeffrey and I went roller skating as part of a stake youth activity with our church last Saturday. He did great at first, but at some point he fell on top of his arm. He complained a lot about it, but we thought it was just a sprain. Turns out he had a small fracture. He was in a sling by Monday and got the cast today.

I broke my arm roller skating when I was a kid, so I'm proud to have a son that wants to be just like me.

Playing in the Band with Jeffrey

Jeffrey's Middle School Band did a special concert where parents were invited to join the band. So I dusted off my French Horn that I haven't played in two years and joined the fun. We got to play a few numbers together including Spider Pig, Teenage Mutant Ninja Drummers, and God Bless the U.S.A. It was fun to play again, and Jeffrey was thrilled to have me in his band. I have to say, the band sounded great!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Greetings from Wilsonville

My sister Connie has decided to join the blogospshere! Check out her blog "Greetings from Wilsonville" where she'll describe life in Southern California with her husband Darrell and their four kids, her thoughts on being both homeschooling parents and public school parents (dissing both systems at times), and other random thoughts. Looking forward to your posts Connie!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Catherine the Artist

Just wanted to show off some of my daughter Catherine's recent drawings. I don't know where she gets this artistic talent. Certainly not from me as I can only draw stick figures.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Recent Family Photo

Originally uploaded by Wayne E. Wright
Here’s a recent photo of our family in front of the Mesa Arizona Temple. We were there for my brother Jon’s wedding in July 2008.

ASU grad receives Fulbright

Arizona State University, my alma mater, just published a very nice article about my selection as a Fulbright Scholar to Cambodia.

[Original article available at http://asunews.asu.edu/20080925_fulbrightaward]

ASU grad receives Fulbright Intercountry Lecturing Award

Wayne E. Wright, a doctoral graduate of ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton College of Education, has received the Fulbright Intercountry Lecturing Award in educational leadership and administration to support the Royal University of Phnom Penh’s Master in Education program in 2009.

Wright, an associate professor in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio, has worked with Cambodian refugees in the United States since 1986, and he is proficient in the Khmer language. At UTSA, Wright was granted early tenure and promoted at the end of his fourth year. This summer, he mentored his first doctoral student through to graduation. His student’s dissertation compared literacy practices in U.S. and Chinese heritage schools.

“Wayne Wright has been on a very fast trajectory,” said Professor Terrence Wiley, director of the Division of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies in the Fulton College. “Among all the students I have worked with, he has been the most productive and prolific and has done consistently excellent work on top of it. His bilingual skills have done him well.”

The Royal University of Phnom Penh is still recovering from the devastation of civil war and genocide during which schools were decimated and teachers were systematically executed.

There were few educated people left to rebuild the country’s school systems. As a Fulbright lecturer, Wright will teach two classes and support the university’s graduate education program, which is only two years old but a milestone in the rebuilding effort. The program addresses the critical need for training education professionals in Cambodian government and nonprofit organizations.

“Up to this point you couldn’t get a master’s degree in Cambodia, so anyone who had an advanced degree in education got it somewhere outside of Cambodia,” Wright explained. However, the graduate level courses are taught in English, even though the students aren’t proficient in the language.

“Some students are struggling, so they are looking at ways to improve the instruction program for them to learn enough English to learn through English,” he said. “I’m hoping to show them that they don’t have to do it all in English. There are ways to teach and learn in their native language.”

From Volunteer to Scholar
Wright was 19 years old when he began volunteering to help Cambodian refugees in California. He said he was touched by the remarkable stories of the survivors of civil war and genocide during the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s.

“Everyone had lost at least one direct family member and I was just amazed by their resilience and their ability to come back and rebuild their lives in the United States,” he said. “They were just so grateful to anyone who made an attempt to learn about their language and history and culture. I wanted to be more involved and to go back and do whatever I could to help their country.

Wright lived and worked in Cambodia from 1993 to 1994 as a volunteer with the Cambodian American National Development Organization (CANDO), a USAID-funded project modeled after the Peace Corps. There he met his wife, Phal, who with their three children will accompany him to her home country.“My experience in Cambodia really launched me into my teaching career,” Wright said. “It solidified my interest in issues of language education and culture. I wanted a better understanding of how our schools can do a better job of understanding and working with the needs of language learning students.”

He returned to California from Cambodia to earn his master’s degree and became a bilingual elementary school teacher. His frustration with policies that made it difficult for him to meet the needs of his students ultimately led him to pursue his PhD at Arizona State University.

Wiley first met Wright as a graduate student in Long Beach, Calif., and the professor was impressed by his student’s compassion for the Cambodian people and by his award-winning thesis on the background and history of Cambodian/English bilingual education.

“Wayne was known throughout the Cambodian community there as a friend and supporter who would help them in the schools. He was a teacher, and he implemented the first Khmer bilingual education program in Long Beach. He is a very rare person in that he is so involved in both scholarship and the community.”

At ASU, Wright also received the Outstanding Dissertation award from the National Association for Bilingual Education for his study on how teachers and program coordinators were involved in the implementation of policy change. He also helped organize and served as the advisor to the university’s Cambodian student organization.

“He really is too good to be true, but it is true,” Wiley said.

Wright’s research has been published in leading academic journals including Education Policy, Language Policy, Educational Policy Analysis Archives, the Bilingual Research Journal, the Heritage Languages Journal and the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, as well professional journals including Educational Leadership. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement and is the book review editor for the International Multilingual Research Journal. He also serves as co-director of the Language Policy Research Unit of the Southwest Center for Educational Equity and Language Diversity and as vice president for publications of the National Association for the Education and Advancement of Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese Americans.

Verina Palmer Martin, verina.martin@asu.edu
Associate Editor, Mary Lou Fulton College of Education

UTSA Today Article about my Fulbright to Cambodia

UTSA Today, an on-line publication of the University of Texas, San Antonio, published an article about my selection as a Fulbright Scholar to lecture at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in the Spring 2009 semester:

UTSA Today
The University of Texas at San Antonio

UTSA professor selected as Fulbright Scholar
By Tim BrownleeAssistant Director of Public Affairs

(July 31, 2008)--Wayne Wright, UTSA associate professor of bicultural-bilingual studies (effective fall 2008), recently was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to Cambodia for spring 2009. He will go to Cambodia through the Fulbright Intercountry Lecturing Program, which provides U.S. scholars with opportunities to enrich their professional and cultural experience outside the United States.

For more than 60 years, the federally sponsored Fulbright program has provided opportunities to study, conduct research and teach in more than 140 countries. The program awards approximately 1,450 grants annually.

"Congratulations are in order for Dr. Wayne Wright," said Charles Crane, UTSA director of international programs. "His selection as a Fulbright Scholar to Cambodia brings great credit to him, the College of Education and Human Development and UTSA."

Wright received a Fulbright lecture award in educational leadership and administration at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia. He will teach courses in the university's new master of education program, which addresses the critical need for training education professionals in Cambodian government and nonprofit organizations. The country continues to rebuild its education system, which was devastated by genocide and civil war during the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s.

In addition to teaching graduate courses, Wright will work to enhance the research capabilities of graduate students and faculty, provide assistance in revising the educational technology curriculum and provide assistance in the development of distance education with the university's English Support Unit.

"Cambodia has made a great deal of progress rebuilding its education system, but much work remains to be done," said Wright. "I am greatly honored by the opportunity this Fulbright award has given me to return to Cambodia to contribute toward efforts to continue developing the education sector through the training of current and future educational leaders at the Royal University of Phnom Penh."

"This award is also very meaningful to my family on a personal level," Wright added. "My wife, Phal, is a native of Cambodia, and we are the parents of three Cambodian American children, Jeffrey, Michael and Catherine. We are thrilled with the opportunity for our children to live in Cambodia where they can develop relationships with their family members there, improve their very limited Khmer language skills, and make deeper connections to their Cambodian heritage and culture."

Proficient in the Khmer (Cambodian) language, Wright has worked with Cambodian refugees in the United States since 1986. He lived and worked in Cambodia from 1993 to 1994 as a volunteer with the Cambodian American National Development Organization (CANDO), a USAID-funded project modeled after the Peace Corps. Additionally, he worked in the human rights and education sectors with local indigenous non-governmental organizations and at the Institute of Economics.

About Wayne Wright

Wayne E. Wright earned a Ph.D. in educational leadership and policy studies at Arizona State University. At UTSA, he is an associate professor (effective fall 2008) of bilingual studies in the College of Education and Human Development. He is chair of the Graduate Studies Committee and is the graduate adviser of record for the M.A.-Teaching English as a Second Language (MA-TESL) program.

His teaching and research focus on language and education policies, programs and instruction for language minority students. His research has been published in leading academic journals including Education Policy, Language Policy, Educational Policy Analysis Archives, the Bilingual Research Journal, the Heritage Languages Journal and the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, in addition to professional journals including Educational Leadership.

Wright is the founding editor of the Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement and is the book review editor for the International Multilingual Research Journal. He also serves as co-director of the Language Policy Research Unit of the Southwest Center for Educational Equity and Language Diversity and as vice president for publications of the National Association for the Education and Advancement of Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese Americans. Previously, he was a bilingual elementary school teacher and helped establish one of the first Khmer bilingual education programs in California.

About the Fulbright program

The late Sen. J. William Fulbright founded the Fulbright Program of International Education and Cultural Exchange in 1948. Fulbright was an advocate of mutual understanding between cultures and détente long before they were in vogue. He believed that international education would provide a base for the basic understanding and contact necessary for a peaceful world.

Fulbright was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University and president of the University of Arkansas at age 34. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives at age 35, and at 39 became a U.S. senator. For 16 of his 30 years in the Senate, he chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. Politically, he fought hard for peace initiatives and non-military solutions.

Approximately 6,000 new grants are awarded to individuals annually through the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Grants are given to American students, teachers and scholars to study, teach, lecture and conduct research in more than 140 countries in the world, and to foreign nationals to engage in similar activities in the United States. Individuals are selected on the basis of academic or professional qualifications, potential, and ability and willingness to share ideas and experiences with people of diverse cultures.

New Blog

I've started this blog because I can't seem to figure out my old one on Word Press. Ever since I made the static webpages the home page, I can't figure out how to get to the actual blog part. The old posts are still available and accessible through the archives however: www.wayneewright.org

I've used Blogger for course blogs, including the study abroad courses I've led to Thailand (see http://utsathailand2008.blogspot.com), and I love how easy it is to use.