I was digging through an old box of videos and found the recording of a Cambodia Rap I performed for Khmer New Year in Long Beach in 1996. I believe this was the first public performance of a Khmer Rap to be broadcast on the Cambodian Cable station, and certainly the first by a White-and-Nerdy boy like me. The Cable station played this over-and-over for about a month after the New Year Peformance, and copies even made it over to Cambodia. During that time, I couldn't go anywhere in Long Beach without Cambodians stopping me on the street going, "Hey! You're that Cambodian Rapper guy!" Even old ladies in the Cambodian Markets would walk by me repeating lines from the Rap and giggling.
My performance was meant just to be funny skit. It's been fun to watch Khmer Rap become a serious medium.
The video and sound quality is horrible. Unfortunatly, the only copy I had was on a damaged video tape, so this was the best capture I could get. If anyone has a better copy of this, please let me know!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Original Cambodian Rap?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
2008 Wright Family Christmas Letter
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
They're on to me! Catherine's Letter to Santa
The next day, Catherine gave me a letter to mail to Santa Claus. Since I don't have his address, I'll post it here in hopes Santa reads my blog:
Dear Santa,I know you don't exist. I know I won't get coal. Did you know that celebrating Christmas is celebrating Jesus's birthday? Do you know why we get presents? I do. Becase the three wisemen gave precious gifts to baby Jesus. So Christmas isn't just all about you, it's about Jesus. I want proof that you are real. And don't write back unless you are real!
p.s. Do any penguins live in the North Pole
I'm proud of my kids who understanding the true meaning of Christmas!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Jeffrey's Christmas Concert

Catherine's Piano Recital
Catherine performed in her second piano recital on December 20. She performed the piece Largo from Dvorak's New World Symphony. She played along with other students of her piano teacher and one other at a local music store. She's only been learning the Piano for just a little over one year. As a completely unbiased observer with some training in music, I have to say she was the best of the bunch!
Enjoy the video!